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Useful Websites for Applicants

Whilst there seems to be no shortage of help for medical applicants, resources for Vet Med applicants are thin on the ground. I've compiled several links to external websites that you may find it helpful to read. They range from information about the profession, to wider reading suggestions, and I hope you find them useful. All websites are free to access - you can get into vet school without paying extortionate fees to private companies! (I did!)

* I am not responsible for the content of external webpages. If you have a suggestion for a website that should appear here, message me!

Animal Aspirations


Set up by RVC students, now working across the country, AA provides resources for students currently under-represented in the profession.


University of Liverpool Society

EdVet was set up by students from the University of Liverpool to provide free application advice and resources to prospective vet applicants.

Long Beach Animal Hospital

Veterinary Hospital

An incredible website aimed at Vets but useful for applicants. The understanding xrays section is particularly useful!

Animal Welfare Foundation


AWF is a charity promoting animal welfare around the world. They have a very useful section on ethical scenarios (they are complex, but explained well).

Vet Record


Vet Record runs a 'My Vet Future' blog discussing topics of interest to prospective vet students, and giving advice from current students to help with applications. You may also find interesting medical cases.

RCVS Day One Competencies


Our regulating body dictates what new grad vets must do on their first day in the profession. It's useful for vet students to understand and refer to in interview.

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